In this article you will find the modifications that have been applied to the "Local config" section from the release 3.13.447. Please find the new overview including the new logos below.
Receipt & Printing
Digital receipts
The main modification is about the digital receipts. Now the section is divided in two parts so the configuration for the merchant and the customer can be applied separately.
- Merchant
The merchant can choose to disable this option or receive digital receipts via email. If the merchant chooses to receive this, he/she has to enter the email address in "merch. email" section.
- Customer
For the customer, the merchant can choose between 4 different options to set as default. Please note that it's always recommended to choose the option "always ask" as a default one in order to provide with a choice to the customer.
Please note that the option to print a ticket is not available for 9310 model as it doesn't contain a printer.