First, contact the Loyalpay helpdesk
- Before upgrading the terminal, you must inform the helpdesk that you are going to install a new version manually for a certain serial number.
- The helpdesk will remove the profile on Loyaltek Tools for that terminal, or will ask “TechOps” of Loyalpay to change the upgrading version.
- The helpdesk will then confirm that you can continue with the installation.
After contacting and getting the confirmation from the helpdesk:
- Connect the USB to the terminal using an adapter (usb to mini-usb).
- Switch on the terminal and wait for the logo to appear.
- Click the Menu button on 8210/8000+ or Func on 6210 several times until the “System manager” menu appears.
- Choose “Downloading”+ enter, then “Offline Update” + enter.
- Select the necessary .pkg file and click on enter
Important point: the kernel number of the .pkg file name must match the kernel of the device!
Note :
It may be that after selecting the .pkg file and pressing Enter, nothing happens on the screen. This is normal, sometimes it takes 10s to 15s for the unit to proceed with the installation.
When the installation is done, you will be returned to the screen with the .pkg files. Click cancel multiple times until you see the “App Manager” at the top of your screen. Then choose “application” and click enter.
If a serial number of the device is requested, enter the corresponding serial number (under barcode SN: number at the back of the terminal)If an activation code is requested, enter the following set of numbers 123456789015 followed by <enter>
The terminal will then continues its installation, this may take a few minutes.
The terminal is ready when you see read card (or something else depending on the language).