1) Delete config files
- (Re)-start the terminal with the ON/OFF-button. The logo will appear on the screen. Wait a few moments until «start...» appears, press immediately a few times on the blue <func> button (the timing of pressing the button is important).
- Then the terminal should ask to <Enter Admin PW> . (if this doesn't appear on the screen, repeat the previous steps)
- The admin PW is «999». So enter «999» and press on <enter>.
- After choose the option <Delete Config File>. The terminal will execute the command and the terminal will reboot.
2) APN
- Please redo the previous steps until you arrive at <Administration> menu.
- Choose after <Network Params>.
- Then you can choose for <GPRS>.
- Afterwards you need to choose for <GPRS Net Config> to be able to enter the correct APN.
- In the last step, you have to enter the following APN <lp.prx.be> and press 3x on <Enter>. Then you have to press one time on <Cancel> to restart the terminal.
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